About Us
Our mission is to provide our clients with comprehensive financial services that meet their financial goals and impact objectives in an effort to address global challenges.
Our clients are concerned not only with how their portfolio is doing, but what it is doing, both to the environment and to society.
We offer comprehensive asset management and financial planning to individuals, businesses and nonprofits and pride ourselves on being at the center of our clients’ financial lives.
We combine traditional investment strategies with in-depth knowledge of socially responsible investing to create portfolios unique to each client’s individual goals and risk tolerance. Our investments are carefully selected within a sophisticated framework of broad-based global diversification. Stakeholders Capital also provides access to high-impact, private and local investment opportunities to channel capital towards addressing social justice, human rights and stewardship of the planet.

Founding and Commitment
Founded in 2008, Stakeholders Capital provides exemplary and comprehensive financial services to our clients. Essential to that is a shared understanding that factoring in environmental, social and governance metrics when choosing investments is critical to risk mitigation. Born of the belief that socially responsible investing is the way to address global challenges, the company has grown in step with the evolving understanding that investing in responsible and responsive companies is just plain smart.